Travel Nursing

Travel nursing is an exciting opportunity for nurses to use their skills and gain valuable experience while exploring new locations. You'll fill temporary staffing needs in hospitals and clinics across the country, providing exceptional patient care. Offering a perfect balance between stability and adventure, whether it be city life or a scenic escape, Cardia can help you find the perfect travel nurse assignment to match your interests and career goals.

  • Based upon speciality, location, and other benefits
  • Weekly direct debit
  • Sick time/ PTO (some facilities)
Potential bonuses:
  • Completion/ attendance bonus
  • Extra Time Compensation
  • Referral bonus of up to $250 per hire
  • 401K Plan. You may be able to enrol and contribute to your 401k on the first of the month following eligibility - this is either 4 consecutive months or one year from your original hire date. After 1 year you’re eligible for matching
  • Medical plan. With Cardia, a comprehensive medical, dental, and vision plan may be available from the first day you start an assignment. Depending on your plan, you have the option to add dependents to your plan.
  • A comprehensive medical, dental, and vision plan may be available from the first day you start an assign
  • Sick pay. For every 30 hours worked, you will accrue 1 hour of sick pay, you are able to use this after 90 days.
  • Interview Prep. At Cardia, our mission is to help you succeed. Our expert recruiters will work with you to ensure that you are fully prepared to get the perfect assignment for you. If you are not happy, then we have not done our job
  • Wellness Programs . Feeling your best fuels your best work! Cardia Partners offers a variety of wellness programs to keep you energized and thriving.

Depending on your location you may be able to receive part of your compensation in tax-free stipends, reach out to your Cardia team member for more information.

  • Meals
  • Housing
  • Travel
  • Tax Breaks: As tax laws vary depending on where you live and where you work we recommend that you consult a tax professional to get the best advice
Benefits of Becoming a Travel Nurse:

Increase your earning potential. Typically travel nurses receive higher pay rates compared to permanent nurses. On top of this, travel nurses may also receive stipends for meals, accommodation, travel, and bonuses - increasing your earning potential

Explore & Experience. Have the opportunity to explore different states and experience working in the best healthcare facilities all across the United States, whether you’re in the city or in the countryside - you can do it all while boosting your resume. 

Flexibility. Being a travel nurse allows you to choose your assignments, location, and contract lengths. This gives travel nurses more control over their work-life balance, so that they can enjoy breaks between assignments.

Networking Opportunities. Travel nurses get the opportunity to network with the best healthcare professionals across the USA. This allows travels nurses to build their professional network which can lead to further opportunities in the future. 

Professional Growth. Travel nurses can experience working in different teams and facilities - expanding their skillset, this can help to accelerate growth in their careers to move into more senior positions.

Personal Growth. Travel nurses can personally grow through their experiences, becoming more independent, adapting to new environments and working with diverse cultures, all while making an impact. 

Diverse clinical settings. Being a travel nurse allows you to work alongside other healthcare professionals from various backgrounds

Boost Learning. Travel nurses work in all different environments, increasing their knowledge and experience, this makes them more versatile and flexible. 

What is the difference between local nursing, per diem nursing, and travel nursing?

These terms all refer to non-traditional employment options for nurses, offering flexibility compared to a full-time staff position. Here's a breakdown of each:

Local Nursing: Local nurses are employed by healthcare facilities within their commuting distance. This could be a full-time or part-time position, but it offers a traditional work structure with set schedules.

Per Diem or PRN Nursing: Per diem nurses work on a shift-by-shift basis at healthcare facilities in their local area. They have the most flexibility in scheduling, picking up shifts as needed by the facility and their own availability. Pay is typically per diem (per day worked).

Travel Nursing: Travel nurses work on temporary contracts at healthcare facilities across the country. These contracts usually last for several weeks or months, requiring relocation. Travel nurses often receive higher pay rates, housing stipends, and benefits packages compared to per diem nurses.

How to become a travel nurse with Cardia?

The journey awaits… to become a travel nurse with Cardia, simply reach out to one of our recruiters or apply for a job and we will contact you. Our recruiters at Cardia will be able to help you through the process, exploring your goals and motivations to get a plan and assignment for you. At Cardia we are always happy to help you find the best assignment for you. If you want to check out our open positions, click here - you can filter for location and speciality.

Benefits of becoming a travel nurse

As a Cardia travel nurse, you'll be on a journey of professional and personal growth that extends far beyond your paycheque! Explore new regions of the US, broadening your horizons and experiencing diverse healthcare facilities and teams. Each placement will broaden your nursing skillset and refine your clinical expertise. Your critical role fills staffing gaps, ensuring hospitals can provide top-notch care to patients. It's a chance to directly impact lives, knowing that your specialized skills are making a real difference. Plus, these varied experiences will become gold on your resume, accelerating your career and opening doors to exciting new opportunities in nursing specialties you may not have considered before.

How long are travel nurse assignments?

At Cardia, we understand that flexibility is key! While the standard travel nurse contract is 13 weeks, we offer a variety of options to fit your travel aspirations.

13 Weeks: This is the most popular choice, providing a good balance between adventure and stability. It allows healthcare facilities to address staffing needs while offering nurses a chance to explore a new location for a few months.

Shorter Assignments: We also have shorter assignments (around 8 weeks) for those who crave a fast-paced experience or want to try out travel nursing before committing to a longer contract.

Do you offer extended stays and contract extensions?

If you find the perfect fit and location, some facilities may offer contract extensions or even transition you to a permanent role. 

No matter your preference, Cardia will work with you to find the ideal travel nurse assignment that matches your career goals.

How do I get paid?

Cardia offers clear and timely pay! Travel nurses receive a blended rate combining hourly wages and housing/travel stipends (amounts vary by location). Local nurses (full-time, part-time, per diem, PRN) get straightforward hourly pay with weekly direct deposit. Local positions don't have stipends, but we may reimburse job-related expenses like licenses or scrubs. Your recruiter will provide a detailed breakdown for your specific position.

How long is the process to get started?

Need to read into what certification is required, but answer is within a few weeks

How does the referral scheme work?

Cardia nurses can recommend qualified colleagues for any opening (travel, local, per diem, or PRN) through our online portal or recruiter. Once your referral completes a minimum commitment (details on our website), you'll earn a bonus! This program helps you connect colleagues with great opportunities and earn extra cash, while new nurses enjoy Cardia's flexible work options and competitive pay. It's a win-win!


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Summer Tips for travel nurses

Whilst summer can bring sunshine and adventure, for travel nurses it can present unique challenges. At Cardia Partners, your success is our priority, and that includes helping you thrive during the hotter months. Here are some tips for summer from your travel nurse recruiter: